
Outdoor Photographer, we feature the work of landscape photographer Ted Gore. “I prefer to use the term ‘images’ rather than photographs for my own work,” Gore says, “because the definition of a photograph is a bit gray, and I do utilize more techniques beyond the capabilities of a camera and what it can give me
Photo By Beth Holmes Today’s Photo Of The Day is “Horse Light” By Beth Holmes. Location: Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming. “A break in a late summer storm created a very dramatic background even if the horse didn’t notice,” says Holmes. See more of Beth Holmes’ photography at Photo of the Day is chosen
Great gear at an amazing price: That’s our goal each week. Check out the bargains below and save on gear for your next adventure. The North Face Impendor ThermoBall Jacket — Women’s: $132 (42% Off) The North Face ThermoBall jackets are an awesome way to stay cozy throughout the day. The lightweight synthetic insulation in
With the above being said, they’re all great, but the real trophy is coming back with that prize-winning image. When you do, it’s exhilarating, rewarding, thrilling and exalting, all of which bring you to the part where it becomes so intoxicating that you have to go back out and do it again. If you’ve experienced