Month: March 2020

I primarily photograph wildlife. This means I seldom work in a controlled environment. I love the challenge of capturing subjects in natural light, in their own environment and on their terms. But when it comes to flowers, which don’t move, and some insects that have been raised under controlled conditions, I sometimes succumb and take
Photo By Marcel Fagin Today’s Photo Of The Day is “White Rhino Family” by Marcel Fagin. Location: South Africa. “A rhino family grazes in the morning,” describes Fagin, who shot the image with an iPhone 8. Photo of the Day is chosen from various OP galleries, including Assignments, Galleries and the OP Contests. Assignments have weekly winners that are
GearJunkie contributor Christophe Noel arrived in Nepal just days before the government implemented sweeping travel restrictions. With Mount Everest closed and the borders sealed tight, he set out to learn how the recent pandemic has impacted the world’s premier adventure travel destination. On January 13, a 32-year-old student arrived in Kathmandu from Wuhan, China, and