Month: January 2020

Photo By Jill Matyuch Today’s Photo Of The Day is “Dolphinscape” by Jill Matyuch. Location: Laguna Beach, California. “A school of dolphins emerges as one in the beautiful morning light,” describes Matyuch. Photo of the Day is chosen from various OP galleries, including Assignments, Galleries and the OP Contests. Assignments have weekly winners that are featured on the OP
It’s a common scene at intersections across the U.S. Anxious drivers in hulking vehicles are lined up at a red light, impatiently revving their engines, as a person given inadequate time to reach the other side of the street on foot sprints across the crosswalk in fear. “What do you get?” asks the disembodied voice
Photo By Hank Halsey Today’s Photo Of The Day is “Over Yawnder” by Hank Halsey. Location: Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming. “Temps were in the single digits,” explains Halsey. “On this particular day, the temps finally got above freezing and the yellow-bellied marmots came out to sun themselves. This image was taken along the Yellowstone lake